111 research outputs found

    Resolving the Outer Disks and Halos of Nearby Galaxies

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    In a hierarchical merging scenario, the outer parts of a galaxy are a fossil record of the galaxy's early history. Observations of the outer disks and halos of galaxies thus provide a tool to study individual galaxy histories and test formation theories. Locally, an impressive effort has been made to understand the halo of the Milky Way, Andromeda, and M33. However, due to the stochastic nature of halo formation, a better understanding of this process requires a large sample of galaxies with known halo properties. The GHOSTS project (PI: R. de Jong) aims to characterize the halos and outer portions of 14 nearby (D=4-14 Mpc) spiral galaxies using the Hubble Space Telescope. Detection of individual stars in the outer parts of these galaxies enables us to study both the morphological properties of the galaxies, and determine the stars' metallicity and age.Comment: Contributed talk; to appear in the proceedings of "Galaxies in the Local Volume" Sydney 8-13 July 200

    Efficiency of the dynamical mechanism

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    The most extreme starbursts occur in galaxy mergers, and it is now acknowledged that dynamical triggering has a primary importance in star formation. This triggering is due partly to the enhanced velocity dispersion provided by gravitational instabilities, such as density waves and bars, but mainly to the radial gas flows they drive, allowing large amounts of gas to condense towards nuclear regions in a small time scale. Numerical simulations with several gas phases, taking into account the feedback to regulate star formation, have explored the various processes, using recipes like the Schmidt law, moderated by the gas instability criterion. May be the most fundamental parameter in starbursts is the availability of gas: this sheds light on the amount of external gas accretion in galaxy evolution. The detailed mechanisms governing gas infall in the inner parts of galaxy disks are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in "Starbursts - From 30 Doradus to Lyman break galaxies", ed. R. de Grijs and R. Gonzalez-Delgad

    Outskirts of Nearby Disk Galaxies: Star Formation and Stellar Populations

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    The properties and star formation processes in the far-outer disks of nearby spiral and dwarf irregular galaxies are reviewed. The origin and structure of the generally exponential profiles in stellar disks is considered to result from cosmological infall combined with a non-linear star formation law and a history of stellar migration and scattering from spirals, bars, and random collisions with interstellar clouds. In both spirals and dwarfs, the far-outer disks tend to be older, redder and thicker than the inner disks, with the overall radial profiles suggesting inside-out star formation plus stellar scattering in spirals, and outside-in star formation with a possible contribution from scattering in dwarfs. Dwarf irregulars and the far-outer parts of spirals both tend to be gas dominated, and the gas radial profile is often non-exponential although still decreasing with radius. The ratio of H-alpha to far-UV flux tends to decrease with lower surface brightness in these regions, suggesting either a change in the initial stellar mass function or the sampling of that function, or a possible loss of H-alpha photons.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, Invited review, Book chapter in "Outskirts of Galaxies", Eds. J. H. Knapen, J. C. Lee and A. Gil de Paz, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springer, in pres

    30 Doradus - a Template for "Real Starbursts"?

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    30 Doradus is the closest massive star forming region and the best studied template of a starburst. In this conference paper we first summarize the properties of 30 Doradus and its stellar core, R136. We discuss the effects of insufficient spatial resolution and cluster density profiles on dynamical mass estimates of super star clusters, and show that their masses can be easily overestimated by a factor of ten or more. From a very simple model, with R136-like clusters as representative building blocks, we estimate typical luminosities of the order 10^11 L_o for starburst galaxies.Comment: To be published in "Starbursts: From 30 Doradus to Lyman Break Galaxies", eds. R. de Grijs & R.M. Gonzalez Delgad

    Young star clusters in M31

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    In our study of M31's globular cluster system with MMT/Hectospec, we have obtained high-quality spectra of 85 clusters with ages less than 1 Gyr. With the exception of Hubble V, the young cluster in NGC 205, we find that these young clusters have kinematics and spatial distribution consistent with membership in M31's young disk. Preliminary estimates of the cluster masses and structural parameters, using spectroscopically derived ages and HST imaging, confirms earlier suggestions that M31 has clusters similar to the LMC's young populous clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, contributed talk at "Galaxies in the Local Volume" conference in Sydney, July 200

    Evolution and instabilities of disks harboring super massive black holes

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    The bar formation is still an open problem in modern astrophysics. In this paper we present numerical simulation performed with the aim of analyzing the growth of the bar instability inside stellar-gaseous disks, where the star formation is triggered, and a central black hole is present. The aim of this paper is to point out the impact of such a central massive black hole on the growth of the bar. We use N-body-SPH simulations of the same isolated disk-to-halo mass systems harboring black holes with different initial masses and different energy feedback on the surrounding gas. We compare the results of these simulations with the one of the same disk without black hole in its center. We make the same comparison (disk with and without black hole) for a stellar disk in a fully cosmological scenario. A stellar bar, lasting 10 Gyrs, is present in all our simulations. The central black hole mass has in general a mild effect on the ellipticity of the bar but it is never able to destroy it. The black holes grow in different way according their initial mass and their feedback efficiency, the final values of the velocity dispersions and of the black hole masses are near to the phenomenological constraints.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for pubblication in "Astrophysics and Space Science

    The Initial Mass Function in disc galaxies and in galaxy clusters: the chemo-photometric picture

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    The observed brightness of the Tully-Fisher relation suggests a low stellar M/L ratio and a "bottom-light" IMF in disc galaxies, but the corresponding efficiency of chemical enrichment tends to exceed the observational estimates. Either suitable tuning of the IMF slope and mass limits or metal outflows from disc galaxies must then be invoked. A standard Solar Neighbourhood IMF cannot explain the high metallicity of the hot intra-cluster medium: a different IMF must be at work in clusters of galaxies. Alternatively, if the IMF is universal and chemical enrichment is everywhere as efficient as observed in clusters, substantial loss of metals must occur from the Solar Neighbourhood and from disc galaxies in general; a "non-standard" scenario challenging our understanding of disc galaxy formation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; in Proceedings of IMF@50: the Initial Mass Function 50 years later; Corbelli, Palla and Zinnecker (eds.

    The Impact of Stellar Migration on Disk Outskirts

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    Stellar migration, whether due to trapping by transient spirals (churning), or to scattering by non-axisymmetric perturbations, has been proposed to explain the presence of stars in outer disks. After a review of the basic theory, we present compelling, but not yet conclusive, evidence that churning has been important in the outer disks of galaxies with type II (down-bending) profiles, while scattering has produced the outer disks of type III (up-bending) galaxies. In contrast, field galaxies with type I (pure exponential) profiles appear to not have experienced substantial migration. We conclude by suggesting work that would improve our understanding of the origin of outer disks.Comment: Invited review, Book chapter in "Outskirts of Galaxies", Eds. J. H. Knapen, J. C. Lee and A. Gil de Paz, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springer, in press 39 pages, 15 figure

    The Race Between Stars and Quasars in Reionizing Cosmic Hydrogen

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    The cosmological background of ionizing radiation has been dominated by quasars once the Universe aged by ~2 billion years. At earlier times (redshifts z>3), the observed abundance of bright quasars declined sharply, implying that cosmic hydrogen was reionized by stars instead. Here, we explain the physical origin of the transition between the dominance of stars and quasars as a generic feature of structure formation in the concordance LCDM cosmology. At early times, the fraction of baryons in galaxies grows faster than the maximum (Eddington-limited) growth rate possible for quasars. As a result, quasars were not able to catch up with the rapid early growth of stellar mass in their host galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, Accepted for publication in JCA

    Evolution of the infrared luminosity density and star formation history up to z~1: preliminary results from MIPS

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    Using deep observations of the Chandra Deep Field South obtained with MIPS at 24mic, we present our preliminary estimates on the evolution of the infrared (IR) luminosity density of the Universe from z=0 to z~1. We find that a pure density evolution of the IR luminosity function is clearly excluded by the data. The characteristic luminosity L_IR* evolves at least by (1+z)^3.5 with lookback time, but our monochromatic approach does not allow us to break the degeneracy between a pure evolution in luminosity or an evolution in both density and luminosity. Our results imply that IR luminous systems (L_IR > 10^11 L_sol) become the dominant population contributing to the comoving IR energy density beyond z~0.5-0.6. The uncertainties affecting our measurements are largely dominated by the poor constraints on the spectral energy distributions that are used to translate the observed 24mic flux into luminosities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in "Starbursts: From 30 Doradus to Lyman Break Galaxies", held in Cambridge, 6-10 September 2004, Ed. R. de Grijs & R. M. Gonzalez Delgad
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